Product release 01.03.24 - Calendar Upgrade
We upgraded Yoffix Calendar to offer you an integrated office workplace & meeting experience and full transparency about your bookings.

Feature Highlights:
Integrated Meeting Events in Calendar: Users can now seamlessly view their meeting schedules, including detailed information about the event room, description, and attendance status, all within the Yoffix calendar. This integration aims to streamline day-to-day planning and enhance team coordination.
Real-Time Attendance Status: The feature provides real-time updates on who will be attending meetings, offering clarity and improving meeting preparedness. Users can quickly ascertain the status of their meetings, including confirmed attendees, pending invitations, and declinations.
Comprehensive Event Details: Beyond just seeing when and where meetings will take place, users gain access to a wealth of information directly from their calendar view. This includes the meeting’s purpose, agenda, and any specific instructions or notes added by the organizer.