Smart Return to Office Made Easy

Smart Return to Office Made Easy

Smart Return to Office Made Easy

Smart Return to Office Made Easy

Yoffix enables a seamless RTO transition that increases office attendance, boosts productivity, and secures employee buy-in.

Yoffix Flex Office

Plus de 5.000 clients heureux

Plus de 5.000 clients heureux

Plus de 5.000 clients heureux

Plus de 5.000 clients heureux

Manage Office Attendance
& Boost Productivity

Manage Office Attendance
& Boost Productivity

Manage Office Attendance
& Boost Productivity

Manage Office Attendance
& Boost Productivity

Scheduling Team Office Days
Scheduling Team Office Days
Scheduling Team Office Days
Scheduling Team Office Days
Yoffix scheduling yellow
Yoffix scheduling yellow
Yoffix scheduling yellow
Yoffix scheduling yellow

Customized Attendance Rules

Customized Attendance Rules

Customized Attendance Rules

Customized Attendance Rules

Create flexible attendance policies that align with team needs and office priorities.

With Yoffix, you can easily set attendance goals tailored to each team, e.g. minimum on-site days and standard team office days.

Create flexible attendance policies that align with team needs and office priorities.

With Yoffix, you can easily set attendance goals tailored to each team, e.g. minimum on-site days and standard team office days.

Create flexible attendance policies that align with team needs and office priorities.

With Yoffix, you can easily set attendance goals tailored to each team, e.g. minimum on-site days and standard team office days.

Create flexible attendance policies that align with team needs and office priorities.

With Yoffix, you can easily set attendance goals tailored to each team, e.g. minimum on-site days and standard team office days.

Real-Time Collaboration

Real-Time Collaboration

Real-Time Collaboration

Real-Time Collaboration

Plan in-office days that foster team collaboration and social connection.

With Yoffix, you can ensure all team members are seated together in the same office zone for seamless face-to-face interaction.

Plan in-office days that foster team collaboration and social connection.

With Yoffix, you can ensure all team members are seated together in the same office zone for seamless face-to-face interaction.

Plan in-office days that foster team collaboration and social connection.

With Yoffix, you can ensure all team members are seated together in the same office zone for seamless face-to-face interaction.

Plan in-office days that foster team collaboration and social connection.

With Yoffix, you can ensure all team members are seated together in the same office zone for seamless face-to-face interaction.

Yoffix Office Blue
Yoffix Office Blue
Yoffix Office Blue
Yoffix Office Blue
Scheduling Team Office Days
Scheduling Team Office Days
Scheduling Team Office Days
Scheduling Team Office Days
Workweek Scheduling Yoffix
Workweek Scheduling Yoffix
Workweek Scheduling Yoffix
Workweek Scheduling Yoffix

Enhanced Office Experience

Enhanced Office Experience

Enhanced Office Experience

Enhanced Office Experience

Transform the office into a social hub with perks like catering, free lunches, and on-site events.

Offer tools that foster meaningful on-site connections, like coordinating lunch meetups or spontaneous coffee breaks.

Transform the office into a social hub with perks like catering, free lunches, and on-site events.

Offer tools that foster meaningful on-site connections, like coordinating lunch meetups or spontaneous coffee breaks.

Transform the office into a social hub with perks like catering, free lunches, and on-site events.

Offer tools that foster meaningful on-site connections, like coordinating lunch meetups or spontaneous coffee breaks.

Transform the office into a social hub with perks like catering, free lunches, and on-site events.

Offer tools that foster meaningful on-site connections, like coordinating lunch meetups or spontaneous coffee breaks.

Data Insights & Automated Flows

Data Insights & Automated Flows

Data Insights & Automated Flows

Data Insights & Automated Flows

Track attendance and office utilization with in-depth analytics.

Enhance engagement and attendance discipline with automated push notifications and reminders.

Track attendance and office utilization with in-depth analytics.

Enhance engagement and attendance discipline with automated push notifications and reminders.

Track attendance and office utilization with in-depth analytics.

Enhance engagement and attendance discipline with automated push notifications and reminders.

Track attendance and office utilization with in-depth analytics.

Enhance engagement and attendance discipline with automated push notifications and reminders.

Yoffix Office Blue
Yoffix Office Blue
Yoffix Office Blue
Yoffix Office Blue

Achieve Tangible
Results & high ROI

Achieve Tangible
Results & high ROI

Achieve Tangible
Results & high ROI

Achieve Tangible Results & high ROI

Office use optimized by >30%

+30% more face-to-face meetings

>6 hours/w saved per Office Admin

Full transparency & control

Happier employees and 25% less attrition

"I like Yoffix because it simplifies employee management, evaluation and monitoring. It's very easy and straightforward to implement, very flexible and friendly."

"I like Yoffix because it simplifies employee management, evaluation and monitoring. It's very easy and straightforward to implement, very flexible and friendly."

"I like Yoffix because it simplifies employee management, evaluation and monitoring. It's very easy and straightforward to implement, very flexible and friendly."

Tarwuleh, Capterra

Tarwuleh, Capterra

Tarwuleh, Capterra

Yoffix Features for a Seamless Return to Office

Flexible Attendance Rules

Customizable rules for each team

Flexible Attendance Rules

Customizable rules for each team

Flexible Attendance Rules

Customizable rules for each team

Flexible Attendance Rules

3D plans, find your way, easily adjust, create & allocate assets...

Team-Specific In-Office Days

Set regular in-office days for each team to ensure consistent collaboration

Team-Specific In-Office Days

Set regular in-office days for each team to ensure consistent collaboration

Team-Specific In-Office Days

Set regular in-office days for each team to ensure consistent collaboration

Team-Specific In-Office Days

3D plans, find your way, easily adjust, create & allocate assets...

Catering and Event Booking

Arrange meals and events to create a better in-office experience

Catering and Event Booking

Arrange meals and events to create a better in-office experience

Catering and Event Booking

Arrange meals and events to create a better in-office experience

Catering and Event Booking

3D plans, find your way, easily adjust, create & allocate assets...

Workspace Zones and Desk Booking

Reserve specific zones or desks for teams to sit together

Workspace Zones and Desk Booking

Reserve specific zones or desks for teams to sit together

Workspace Zones and Desk Booking

Reserve specific zones or desks for teams to sit together

Workspace Zones and Desk Booking

3D plans, find your way, easily adjust, create & allocate assets...

Real-Time Analytics and Insights

Dashboard with attendance tracking, office occupancy, and usage patterns

Real-Time Analytics and Insights

Dashboard with attendance tracking, office occupancy, and usage patterns

Real-Time Analytics and Insights

Dashboard with attendance tracking, office occupancy, and usage patterns

Real-Time Analytics and Insights

3D plans, find your way, easily adjust, create & allocate assets...

Automated Notifications

Push reminders to keep team members aligned with attendance policies

Automated Notifications

Push reminders to keep team members aligned with attendance policies

Automated Notifications

Push reminders to keep team members aligned with attendance policies

Automated Notifications

Push reminders to keep team members aligned with attendance policies

Your Hybrid Journey
Starts Hier

Your Hybrid Journey
Starts Hier

Your Hybrid Journey
Starts Hier

Getting started with Yoffix is quick and hassle-free, requiring minimal time and resources from your team. Our intuitive setup ensures a seamless integration into your existing Microsoft ecosystem. The Yoffix team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.

Getting started with Yoffix is quick and hassle-free, requiring minimal time and resources from your team. Our intuitive setup ensures a seamless integration into your existing Microsoft ecosystem. The Yoffix team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.

Getting started with Yoffix is quick and hassle-free, requiring minimal time and resources from your team. Our intuitive setup ensures a seamless integration into your existing Microsoft ecosystem. The Yoffix team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.

Étant donné que nos employés travaillent de plus en plus à domicile, il a fallu qu'on mette en place une politique de flex office chez Howden Aftermarket. La solution de Yoffix nous a aidé à gérer la présence au bureau, à optimiser la capacité du bureau de 30 % et à éviter les surréservations. Notre équipe Howden a très bien reçu Yoffix - c'est facile à utiliser et très utile pour les opérations quotidiennes de bureau.

David Apfelthaler

David Apfelthaler

En tant qu'Office Manager chez Clay, une entreprise qui développe des logiciels agiles et hybrides, il est extrêmement important pour moi d'avoir un moyen simple et efficace de gérer les visites au bureau. Yoffix App est une plateforme agréable et facile à utiliser qui a pris très peu de temps à mettre en place en tant que partenaire de Personio. Nos employés apprécient vraiment le Yoffix Slack bot, où vous pouvez facilement planifier votre semaine et voir qui est au bureau selon le jour. Cela encourage au passage une approche plus contrôlée des visites.

Wilma Georgeson

Wilma Georgeson

Yoffix Desk Sharing in Microsoft Teams
