

Setting up rooms, parking spots and other resources

Setting up rooms, parking spots and other resources

To start setting up rooms and other resources, enter our flexible OfficeBuilder by selecting Offices from the sidebar.

Yoffix office builder

Creating and editing meeting rooms

  • Select the relevant floor and click Edit

  • Click on the meeting room icon in the middle

    Yoffix meeting room tag

  • Place the meeting room on the floor plan

  • Give the meeting room a name

  • Set the room to be bookable by anyone (Free for all) or only by members of a specific team (For team)

  • Enter the number of seats in the meeting room

  • To delete a room, click the red trash can icon

    Yoffix meeting room tag

You can use the Room tag to label all kinds of assets and make them bookable, including meeting rooms, phone booths, projectors, ping-pong tables, or even coffee mugs. This is done by following the same process, but you might want to place these assets in a different location.

Yoffix room management

If you'd like to add catering options, RoomDisplays, or occupancy sensors to your meeting rooms, please contact us at

Attributes for rooms will be available shortly.

Adding parking spots

Parking spots can be added using the parking spot tag. Similarly to desks, they can be made bookable for everyone, personal, allocated to a team, or not available.

Yoffix parking spot management