Here you will find different kinds of statistics regarding attendance and office utilization.

Seat vacancy and bookings
Here you can see the number of seats in your office, how many of them have been booked, and how many are available. You can view past and future bookings. If there is more than one space/office, you can use the filter to view individual spaces.
Office utilization
Here you can see the historical trend for 3, 6, and 12 months and analyze the development of your average office utilization. This data will offer you insights into whether you have unused office space or if you need to add desks or change your attendance rules if utilization is close to 100%. If there is more than one space/office, you can use the filter to view individual spaces.
Office vs. Home utilization
It is always good to know the split of employees between office and home office, as well as the workplace pattern across the week.
Office days by week
Here you can see the workplace structure of your company as a historical trend for 3, 6, and 12 months. You can easily see which employees are working only from home and which ones come to the office every day. This data enables you to analyze the development of workplace preferences of your employees and how your office rules are being implemented.
Teams' and employees' attendance
Easily check, which team is coming more or less often to the office or when specific team was in the office together last time. You can also find here analytics about attendance fo single employees.

Check also Yoffix Monthly Hybrid Workplace Reports here.
We can create customized, more detailed reports for you upon request. Please get in touch with us at support@yoffix.com to discuss this further.