

Company registration

Company registration

Step 1: Register your company

  • In order to start using Yoffix, you have to create a corporate account

  • Please make sure that the company is not registered in Yoffix yet

  • Under Register as company, enter your corporate email address and create a password

Company registration at Yoffix

Step 2: Verify your email address after you receive an email from Yoffix

Step 3: Log in and fill out the following information:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Company name

  • Company phone number

Your corporate account is now set up, and you are the account owner.

Step 4: Check and edit your company information:

After logging in, go to Settings in the bottom left corner. Here you can enter your company address and phone number and upload your company logo. If you switch to Teams and Positions, you can also create a list of teams and positions within your company.

Yoffix Settings